Why Yoga is important this winter? 7 Benefits To Practice
Benefits of Yoga in Winter
Winter is here, and with it comes the many excuses to stay inside. But don’t let the cold keep you from your yoga practice! Here are 7 reasons to stick with it.
- Yoga is warm
- Yoga boosts the immune system
- Yoga boosts energy
- Yoga improves winter naps
- Yoga keeps you balanced
- Yoga opens your heart
- Yoga keeps you in balance
- Yoga will keep you grounded
1. Yoga is Warm
The cold makes you feel stiff & sluggish. Hence roll out your yoga mat because warming up your muscles & joints is good for the body, and improves circulation, reducing stiffness & cramping.
2. Yoga Boosts Your Immune System
Regular exercise strengthens the immune system. Keep that first line of defense ready to battle the germs with lots of rest, water, & of course, yoga three times a week or more.
3. Yoga Boosts Your Energy, Too
Have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? Sleep in your yoga clothes, then roll out of bed and into the studio — no excuses!
4. Yoga Improves Those Long Winter Naps
Make sure you stick to your bedtime routine. Stop eating two hours before bed, go to bed at a decent hour.
5. Yoga Opens Your Heart
To fight the blues this winter make time for pranayama & meditation practice. When your mind is happy & calm, you will be happy & calm.
6. Yoga Keeps You in Balance
All the holiday parties, cookies, candies, treats can pack on the extra pounds. Shed the guilt by balancing your indulgences with some calorie-burning asana classes.
7. Yoga Will Keep You Grounded
Yoga practice promotes mental clarity, a sense of security, & a healthy muladhara chakra. Keep it up.
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