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Dr. Priyanka Partha Guharoy
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • 13 YearsExperience
  • 1000Fees
about About
Dr. Priyanka Guharoy is a highly accomplished doctor in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. With 13+ years of extensive experience, she specializes in high-risk pregnancies, infertility treatments, contraception, reproductive health, and women’s overall well-being. Over the ...
Dr. Priyanka Guharoy is a highly accomplished doctor in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. With 13+ years of extensive experience, she specializes in high-risk pregnancies, infertility treatments, contraception, reproductive health, and women’s overall well-being. Over the past 9 years, Dr. Priyanka has been a cornerstone of Fortis Hospital, significantly enhancing its reputation in women’s healthcare. In 2022, she further advanced her expertise by completing a Certified Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (A.R.T) from the International School of Medicine, Göttingen, Germany, enriching her practice with global best practices. Dr. Priyanka is deeply committed to advancing women’s health through personalized, cutting-edge care. She empowers her patients with knowledge and support, ensuring they fully understand their healthcare options. Recognizing that women’s health encompasses physical, emotional, and psychological aspects, she provides comprehensive care that promotes overall well-being. Actively engaged in continuous professional development, Dr. Priyanka regularly participates in conferences and seminars, ensuring her patients benefit from the latest advancements in obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive medicine. Her holistic approach and extensive expertise make her an invaluable asset to Fortis Hospital and a trusted partner in her patients’ healthcare journeys.
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