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Dr. Vivek Anand Padegal
  • Pulmonology | Pulmonology
  • 20 YearsExperience
  • 1100Fees
about About
Dr. Vivek Anand Padegal is a Senior Consultant,Director in Pulmonary Diseases. He has clinical experience of more than 20 years in providing comprehensive pulmonary services. He has added qualification and an interest in sleep disorder medicine. He had practiced in the United Sta...
Dr. Vivek Anand Padegal is a Senior Consultant,Director in Pulmonary Diseases. He has clinical experience of more than 20 years in providing comprehensive pulmonary services. He has added qualification and an interest in sleep disorder medicine. He had practiced in the United States of America prior to returning to India. He was Faculty at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas USA. He served as a Chief Medical Staff (Dallas Medical Center, USA) and Vice president of Staff (Regency Hospital of North Dallas, USA). He is a fellow of American College of Chest Physician (FCCP). Area Of Expertise: Endobronchial Ultrasound Pleuroscopy Asthma COPD Sleep disorder medicine, Obstructive sleep apnea Interstitial Lung disease Bronchoscopy, including Trans-bronchial Needle Aspiration (TBNA), Trans-bronchial Biopsy.
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education Education
MD, FCCP (USA), DABIM (Internal Medicine),Pulmonary Medicine/Critical care,DABSM(Diplomate of the American Board of sleep Medicine)
Awards & Accolades
He was voted by his peers as one of the Best Doctor of Dallas (USA), 2006 - 2010.

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