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Signs of Heart Attack
Cardiac Sciences

Signs of Heart Attack

Signs of Heart Attack Jun 23, 2020
Sign of heart attackHeart Attack / Angina may cause Myriad of Symptoms and may not always present as Central Precordial Chest Pain radiating to left arm, so its important to know all the variations
  1. Chest pain or discomfort Any kind of Chest pain or Discomfort , it can be sharp or dull , heaving or just a mild discomfort , any abnormal sensation in central chest should be viewed with suspicion,radiation to left arm may or may not be there.
  2. Angina Equivalents – Atypical Angina Shortness of breath more than usual, specially new onset and relieved by rest, Discomfort in upper abdomen or epigastric region Retrosternal Burning Choking Sensaation Pain in throat , like something is stuck Pain in upper back between two shoulder blades.
  3. Sweating / Anxiety / Palpitations Cold sweat specially in palms and forehead , this sweating is copious often making the person wet and occurs at rest without any effort. There is sense of impeding doom and anxiety , People in India describe it as Ghabhrahat.
  4. Giddiness/ Fainting
  5. Pain in jaws usually left side
  6. Chest pain discomfort associated with Nausea and Vomitting
All these symptoms may occur with physical stress and usually relieved by rest. These Symptoms are usually present in combination. IF you experience any such symptoms , don not waste time and rush to your nearest Hospital with a CAthLAb and Angiography , Stents and Bypass Facility. Dr. Vaibhav Mishra


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