Health talk by Dr Amit Shankar Singh- Neurologist, organized to mark World Alzheimer Day
An Informative talk by Dr Amit Shankar Singh, Attending Consultant – Neurology held in IPD lobby to mark World Alzheimer Day. Over 65 people attended the talk. To highlight the symptoms of this disease, nursing students from Chitkara University, Rajpura also presented a skit.
Dr Amit informed the audience that Alzheimer disease is one of the most common causes of dementia among older people. He spoke about the warning signs and symptoms of the disease -Memory loss, Challenges in planning or solving problems, Confusion with time or place, Misplacing things, Decreased or poor judgment, Changes in mood and personality etc. The early and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias is an important step in getting the right treatment, care and support. The risk factors of the disease are mainly increasing age, family history and genetics .
Dr. Amit further added that by participating in mentally challenging leisure activities, such as reading, playing games or playing a musical instrument, staying active, finding positive ways to release stress, intake of vitamin C and E together and frequent social interactions may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's to some extent. He concluded his talk with a message that although current medications cannot cure Alzheimer’s or stop it from progressing, they may help lessen symptoms, such as memory loss and confusion, for a limited time and also requested the family members to show love and compassion to the person having Alzheimer disease.