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News and events 2

Jun 10, 2023 to Jul 02, 2023

Despite Fortis being well positioned in terms of finances, health industry analysts hold that the company’s near future plans, which have already suffered delays due to Covid, might have to be put on hold.  Despite Fortis being well positioned in terms of finances, health industry analysts hold that the company’s near future plans, which have already suffered delays due to Covid, might have to be put on hold. Despite Fortis being well positioned in terms of finances, health industry analysts hold that the company’s near future plans, which have already suffered delays due to Covid, might have to be put on hold.  Despite Fortis being well positioned in terms of finances, health industry analysts hold that the company’s near future plans, which have already suffered delays due to Covid, might have to be put on hold.  Despite Fortis being well positioned in terms of finances, health industry analysts hold that the company’s near future plans, which have already suffered delays due to Covid, might have to be put on hold.  Despite Fortis being well positioned in terms of finances, health industry analysts hold that the company’s near future plans, which have already suffered delays due to Covid, might have to be put on hold.  Despite Fortis being well positioned in terms of finances, health industry analysts hold that the company’s near future plans, which have already suffered delays due to Covid, might have to be put on hold.  Despite Fortis being well positioned in terms of finances, health industry analysts hold that the company’s near future plans, which have already suffered delays due to Covid, might have to be put on hold.  



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