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Whenever there is a visible increase in weight within a period of six to eight months, one must opt for a thyroid checkup: Dr Manoj Khandelw

Fortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur Jan 31, 2022

Jaipur, January XX 2022: The majority of the female population in India suffers from thyroid problems. Though it is prevalent in males too, the ratio of females is more as compared to males (7:3 ratio). Even though the prevalence of thyroid disorder is 10.95% of the population in India, people remain unaware and hence undiagnosed.

 Dr Manoj Khandelwal, consultant, endocrinology at Fortis Escorts Hospital Jaipur, shares insights and early signs and symptoms of thyroid problems. 

There are two types of thyroid, as we all know - hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. "Hypothyroid affects around 8-10 per cent of the population of our country and, the ratio of women having thyroid is more than the men. The most common symptoms of hypothyroid are weight gain, dry skin, constipation, lethargy and muscle pain. It can also cause menorrhagia (ie. increased bleeding), irregular periods and infertility in women," states Dr Khandelwal. He further adds that this kind of thyroid has a lifelong treatment, and one needs to take medicine daily. The dose depends on the patient's weight and TSH report. 

"Whenever there is a visible increase in weight within a period of six to eight months, people must opt for a thyroid checkup. People often associate these changes to lifestyle; while it can be one reason, the rapid gain in weight, along with symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, shortness of breath, poor memory and concentration and dry skin can be indications of thyroid disorder," warns Dr Khandelwal. He further suggests that women trying to conceive should be extra-cautious and should get tested for thyroid before and after conceiving (The TSH both times should be less than 2.5). On the other hand, 1 out of 10 patients with thyroid is suffering from hyperthyroidism. Dr Khandelwal asserts, "Anyone having symptoms such as increased frequency of stool, sweating, palpitation and tremors, should get tested."

Speaking about the medications and treatment of hyperthyroid, Dr Khandelwal adds, "For hyperthyroid Neo-Mercazole tablets are given and to control the heartbeat Beta-blockers are prescribed. Within a year or two of treatment, this type of thyroid can be controlled. If it doesn't get under control, then radioiodine or surgery is needed or it can have serious complications such as the risk of heart failure." Lastly, Dr Khandelwal shares that if a patient is taking medicines and their thyroid is under control, then they should get tested every year, and if it's not under control then once every 3 months. A person older than 30 should also get tested for thyroid every year.


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