Press Release
World Health Day 2016 - Win the Battle against Diabetes
Fortis CDOC, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi
Apr 07, 2016
Diabetes: Global prevalence
- Nearly 350 million people across the world have diabetes, a number likely to double in the next 20 years.
- Over 80% of diabetes-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.
- Around 90% of all diabetes worldwide is Type 2 diabetes and incidences of Type 2 diabetes in children have increased worldwide
- As per the WHO, diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death by 2030. It is the leading cause of kidney failure, amputation and blindness worldwide.
Diabetes: India prevalence.
- As per the WHO, people with diabetes in India doubled from 32 million in 2000 to 63 million in 2013 and this number is projected to increase to 101.2 million in the next 15 yearsv.
- Around 7.8% people in India are afflicted with diabetes, which includes 7.9% males and 7.5% females. 75,900 males and 51,700 females in the age group of 30-69 years died due to diabetes in 2015, whereas 46,800 males and 45,600 females above 70 years of age died of the disease.
- Overweight is the highest risk factor for diabetes in India, affecting 21.4% population (19 % males and 23.9% females)vii. Key factors are very high consumption of sugars and fats among affluent populations. Further due to increasing urbanization and mechanization, urbans Indians have a sedentary lifestyles with physical activity given low priority.
For more information, please contact:
Fortis Healthcare Ltd.
Ajey Maharaj
E:[email protected]
P: 9871798573
Tituraj Kashyap Das
E: [email protected]
P: 9871918187
Tanushree Roy choudhury
E: [email protected]
P: 9999425750
Avian Media
Rishu Singh, +91-9958891501
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Preeti Sehrawat, +91- 9711170599
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