Cardiac Sciences
Signs of Heart Attack
Signs of Heart Attack Jun 23, 2020

- Chest pain or discomfort Any kind of Chest pain or Discomfort , it can be sharp or dull , heaving or just a mild discomfort , any abnormal sensation in central chest should be viewed with suspicion,radiation to left arm may or may not be there.
- Angina Equivalents – Atypical Angina Shortness of breath more than usual, specially new onset and relieved by rest, Discomfort in upper abdomen or epigastric region Retrosternal Burning Choking Sensaation Pain in throat , like something is stuck Pain in upper back between two shoulder blades.
- Sweating / Anxiety / Palpitations Cold sweat specially in palms and forehead , this sweating is copious often making the person wet and occurs at rest without any effort. There is sense of impeding doom and anxiety , People in India describe it as Ghabhrahat.
- Giddiness/ Fainting
- Pain in jaws usually left side
- Chest pain discomfort associated with Nausea and Vomitting