Healthy Coping Strategies To Adopt When You Are Overwhelmed By Your Workload
At your workplace, there can be moments when you encounter difficult or complex tasks which can make your entire day at work seem overwhelming. Being overburdened by your workload indicates that you are under excessive amounts of work-related stress, which makes you anxious and depletes your enthusiasm. The inability to handle such a circumstance might lead to procrastination and result in a negative impact on your productivity.
Here are some constructive coping techniques you can use to manage this:
- Identify the cause
There are many factors relating to your job or workplace that can make you feel overburdened such as a heavy workload, looming deadlines, or insufficient resources to carry out the responsibilities given.Ask yourself what is the reason behind yourcurrent emotional state, this aids clarity and paves the way for effective stress management
- Identify the cause
Prioritize your tasks
Once you have identified the core cause, the next step is to organize the tasks in your agenda. Prioritize the work that has been assigned to you and create a to-do list for the same. It is a good idea to mention the deadline next to each task to help yousort the tasks according to their importance. Ensure that you keep the list near your workspace so that you are reminded of the things you need to get done.
- Ask for guidance from colleagues/supervisors
When you are assigned a task, try to gather as much information about it as possible. Think back on your prior tactics and experiences. Ask for assistance and direction from your colleagues, mentors, and superiors if you are still unable to complete the task on your own. Ask for their opinions since they might have information and recommendations that will assist you in better comprehending the task at hand and completing it on time.
- Take sufficient breaks at work
It is wise to break up a heavy workload into manageable portions rather than sitting with it for long periods of time. Take breaks from your work to go for a short stroll in the garden, enjoy your favorite beverage as you relax with some soft music, or simply talk with your colleagues. Not only will it lower your stress but it will also increase your productivity and aid in refocusing your attention.
- Maintain a healthy work-life balance
The inability to separate your work from your personal life can have adverse effects on your mental and physical health. It is important to take out time and focus on activities other than work such as taking up a new hobby, spending time with loved ones, watching your favorite shows, eating your favorite foods, and exercising. Your mind and body will feel refreshed and more active the next day at work if you disconnect from work and take some time for your personal life.
To know more about the Fortis Workplace Mental Health Initiative write to us at [email protected] or call on +918588807193.
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