Communicating Effectively At The Workplace
Effective communication in the workplace is the key for teams to work together, it is how employees exchange ideas and information. Effective communication involves a clear, timely, and transparent exchange of ideas and information. Since a lot of times in the workplace employees must work together on a project it requires the team to have clear communication.
Communication that is based on respect, builds collaboration and trust amongst the employee, is an essential component of building a mentally healthy workplace. It allows employees to conduct tasks effectively as they have a clear understanding of what needs to be done by whom. Based on this understanding they canprioritize well which helps optimizetheir potential. Another advantage of effective communication is that it helps reduce errors and conflicts in the team. Without effective communication channels, employees can feel isolated which can detract from their overall productivity and impact their well-being.
Increases morale- When an employee has a clear understanding of the work they have to do because it has been communicated to them, they are more likely to put effort and hard work into it. It encourages the flow of ideas as the team understands how their contribution adds to the overall success of the organization.
Increases Productivity- Better communication leads to a better comprehension of the roles and responsibilities and helps employees perform their assigned duties better.
Reduces ambiguity- Clear expectations of what one needs to do reduces stress as the employee can then plan and perform the tasks efficiently. Not knowing what needs to be done can be a source of frustration and stress in the workplace.
Fewer conflicts- Often conflicts originate due to miscommunication and poor or ineffective communication can lead to interpersonal challenges at the workplace. Building clear channels of communication can prevent misunderstandings between employees as well as with the leadership team and management.
Listen to understand - Often people listen to respond and not to understand the other person. Instead of formulating your response, really listen to what the other person is saying. Part of being a team member is listening to other people’s ideas instead of just putting your ideas out there.
Take notes - Everyone is familiar with the concept of minutes of the meeting, and it is followed in almost all meetings. However, even if someone else is taking notes make sure to take your own independents notes when interacting on work related matters and do not rely on your memory alone. Making notes for yourself will help you remember what you have understood. This would reduce misunderstandings and miscommunication.
Ask questions – It is important to ask questions and not hesitate when you feel confused or unsure of what is required of you. Asking questions and seeking clarifications can ensure that you do not waste time on unimportant or irrelevant aspects of tasks and instead can focus on what is truly required.
Be mindful of the language and tone you use – People are usually more attuned to how others communicate with them. Build awareness of how you communicate with others. Notice your own tone and choice of words. Work actively to modifying these if they are preventing you from communicating effectively.
Focus on body language - Communication isn’t just about what is said but also about other the body language. It is important to have relaxed body language and facial expressions to not give unintentional cues which can be disruptive to the process of communication at the workplace.
Be collaborative - Collaboration and communication go hand in hand, collaboration is the bedrock of effective teamwork. We can build good communication by communicating effectively and at the same time knowing how to collaborate is a key component of strong communication.
For improving workplace relationships, productivity, and morale it is essential to consider communication in the workplace. When employees are communicating clearly and getting clear information, they are more likely to work efficiently and are less likely to have miscommunication and misunderstandings at work.
To know more about the Fortis Workplace Mental Health Initiative, write to us at [email protected] or call on +918588807193.
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